12. Föhr Cup (LM-SH)

03.08.2024 - 04.08.2024

Entry fee

Entry fee: 80.00 €
after deadline (20.07.2024): 100.00 €


Count of races: 6


Fri, 2.20:00 to 22:00
Sat, 3.08:00 to 09:30
Skippers meeting
Sat, 3.09:30
First Start
Sat, 3.11:00
Last Start
Sun, 4.14:30


Tent possible and included


Dinner on Fri, 2. included
Breakfast on Sat, 3. included
Dinner on Sat, 3. included
Breakfast on Sun, 4. included

More Information

Fährüberfahrt für Bootsanhänger zu folgenden Zeiten im Meldegeld inbegriffen:
Freitag, 02.08.2024 19:00 Uhr ab Dagebüll
Sonntag, 04.08.2024 17:45 Uhr ab Wyk auf Föhr

All statements without guarantee. Subject to change. In the end, what is written in the notice of race / sailing instructions applies!